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FLUTTER ~ Vertical viewport was given unbounded height

This generally happens when you try to use a ListView/GridView inside a Column, there are many ways of solving it, I am listing few here.  1. Wrap ListView in Expanded Column( children: [ Expanded( // wrap in Expanded child: ListView(...), ), ], ) 2. Wrap ListView in SizedBox and give a bounded height Column( children: [ SizedBox( height: 400, // fixed height child: ListView(...), ), ], ) 3. Use shrinkWrap: true in ListView. Column( children: [ ListView( shrinkWrap: true, // use this ), ], )

case log error pada mail server

pada email client seperti ini : Postfix SMTP server: errors from unknown[] Transcript of session follows. Out: 220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU) In: ??? Out: 502 5.5.2 Error: command not recognized In: ?? Out: 502 5.5.2 Error: command not recognized In: ??????? Out: 502 5.5.2 Error: command not recognized In: Out: 500 5.5.2 Error: bad syntax Session aborted, reason: lost connection For other details, see the local mail logfile pada log server seperti ini : Dec 17 07:57:38 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[401627]: warning: hostname does not resolve to address Dec 17 07:57:38 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[401627]: connect from unknown[] Dec 17 07:57:39 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[401627]: lost connection after UNKNOWN from unknown[] Dec 17 07:57:39 mail postfix/cleanup[401653]: 2B4871D006F4: message-id=<> Dec 17 07:57:39 mail postfix/submission...

Apache AH00558: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name

permasalahan ketika cerbot renew failed http-01 challenge for Waiting for verification... Challenge failed for domain Cleaning up challenges sudo systemctl status apache2.service -l --no-pager  sudo journalctl -u apache2.service --since today --no-pager sudo apachectl configtest sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ServerName

postfixadmin your email address or password is not correct. can't open file letsencrypt privkey.pem

[Wed Feb 02 08:53:49.429318 2022] [php7:notice] [pid 1445731] [client] Failed to read password from /usr/bin/doveadm pw -r 5 ... stderr: doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf line 16: ssl_key: Can't open file /etc/letsencrypt/live/ Permission denied\n, password: , referer: [Wed Feb 02 08:53:49.429526 2022] [php7:notice] [pid 1445731] [client] Error while trying to call pacrypt(), referer: [Wed Feb 02 08:53:49.429590 2022] [php7:notice] [pid 1445731] [client] Exception: /usr/bin/doveadm pw -r 5 failed, see error log for details in /var/www/postfixadmin/\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/postfixadmin/ _pacrypt_dovecot()\n#1 /var/www/postfixadmin/model/Login.php(36): pacrypt()\n#2 /var/www/postfixadmin/public/login.php...

Codeigniter PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function CodeIgniter\locale_set_default()

Apabila terjadi kesalahan pada saat pertama kali setelah instalasi CodeIgniter 4.0.4 seperti ini :   Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function CodeIgniter\locale_set_default() in /home/username/domain/system/CodeIgniter.php:184    Masalah di atas dapat diatasi dengan cara membuka file System->Codeigniter.php   Cari perintah dibawah ini :   locale_set_default($this->config->defaultLocale ?? 'en');   Ganti dengan kode berikut ini  if( function_exists('locale_set_default' ) ) : locale_set_default($this->config->defaultLocale ?? 'en'); endif;